
In New York,


is presenting a two-part exhibition with the artist Daniel Levine.


is both a group and solo exhibition,

with the former curated by Levine and the latter

spotlighting his own abstract work.

Painters includes work by:

Rudolf de Crignis, Helmut Federle, Paul Feeley, Ron Gorchov, Marcia Hafif, Alfred Jensen, Phil Sims, Peter Tollens, John Zurier.

Paintings, in the Main Gallery, consists of paintings by Levine. Painters/Paintings runs September 17 – October 23, 2015.

For more information, click HERE


September 14th, 2015 by











August 26th, 2015 by

can gras 120

 C´an Gras, 2012. Gouache, 258 x 210 mm

Peter Tollens
Buchpräsentation und Ausstellung
17. September 2015 – 8. Oktober 2015
Es spricht Prof. Dr. Wulf Herzogenrath.

Alexander Verlag Berlin
Fredericiastraße 8
14050 Berlin
Tel. 302 18 26
mo. – frei. 10 bis 18 Uhr und
nach telefonischer Vereinbarung






August 19th, 2015 by